Medical device inspections

Medical devices made in Canada or abroad must meet high safety and quality standards before being sold to Canadians. Canada licenses and inspects companies that distribute and import medical devices. We also inspect manufacturers of Class I medical devices.

To learn more about the medical device inspections we conduct, visit about medical device inspections or browse these inspection results:

Some fields may be left blank (e.g., previous licence(s), MDEL status, risk classification, enforcement actions, etc.) as historical information has yet to be entered into the database or the action(s) have not transpired.

Searching by observations will give no results at this time and is currently being updated.

You can also do your own search for medical device inspections. These results are updated regularly.

To find out if a medical device establishment has an active licence, visit the Medical devices establishment licence listing database

Medical device inspections search

If you have further questions, please email Health Canada.